
Showing posts from April, 2023


Fictional politics Fictional Republican party 1: National Liberalism ,  civil   na tion alism ,  eco capitalism ,  green conservatism ,  Ukraine type  of  Liberal Nationalism  (anti authoritarian), mixed with conservative liberalism (the liberalism part of conservative liberal would be the type of liberalism I would be if I kept being a proto liberal 2.0 after 2009 especially in NJ) Fictional Republican party 2: Aska liberal   republican ism   , with this as the 'fringe' wing Fictional Republican party 3: Horseshoe national centrism (' Republican party are the real Progressives ' party ideology and this type of real progressive ideology ), Reformist Right Pragressivism Fictional Republican party 4: Left wing Conservative

blog navy pg https://leenkrrusufrens

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An economic system that can be labeled interchangeably as State Capitalism, Bureaucratic Collectivism, State Socialism and a unique Mode of Production

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Creed Communitarianism  Creed Communitarianism is: JudeoChristian Communitarianism (JudeoChristian below means ethnic Jews and  ethnic Christians, religious Christians and religious Jews, non Christian Christianity  and non Christians who identify as Christian despite not being Christian ethnically or religiously): fused with  Inclusive secularism The JudeoChristian Communitarianism element of Creed Communitarianism is: JudeoChristian Communitariansm comes about in the 1500's with the result of John Calvin speaking about the wrongs of selling goods for profits only. This impacts Calvinists (including Jewish Calvinists ) in many ways, and Capitalism is extinguished in the Netherlands, Scotland, southern France and some small German principalities. This type of Calvinism (which includes Jewish Calvinism ) states that all JudeoChristian workers shall unite to form Guilds, that try to help the poor and sell to them much cheaper, even if it means the loss of profit. The leaders of thes

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Hebrew Catholicism ,  Congregation of Our Lady of Sion ,  (Catholic Judaism) ,  Catholic Judaism Calalus: A Jewish Catholic State in Early Medieval America Conspiracy Cafe › apps › blog › show May 19, 2014 — Many members of this family descended from the Exilarchs of Babylon embraced a Jewish form of Catholicism while other members remained ... Hebrew Catholic Vocation Blogger › 2009/03 › hebre... Mar 24, 2009 — Louis Bouyer believes that the Church will not reach its ultimate stage of development until the Jewish form of Catholicism has been ... Katnut d'Katnut : 2019 Blogger › ... Dec 13, 2019 — ... nor was the Church ready to embrace a Jewish version of Catholicism, rooted in the rich traditions of Judaism living in the Church? Responding to Antoine Lévy's Jewish Church Sage Publications › doi › full by MS Kinz



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Fictional politics A new political party whose ideology is: Party 1: Longist Syndicalism  (which is the best path forward for brothers and sisters), this polcompball ideology  and that has temporary coalitions with the  Progressive Labor Party (United_States) / This hypothetical labor party Party 2:

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 from What does 'Peace Formula' initiated by Zelenskyy mean? Ten items - ten commitments 0:00 here's the Ukrainian peace formula of 10 0:02 items item one nuclear safety Russia 0:05 must comply with the resolutions of the 0:08 international atomic energy agency and 0:10 withdraw its Personnel from the 0:12 zaparizian nuclear power plant Ukrainian 0:14 authorities must regain full control of 0:17 it four Ukrainian operating nuclear 0:20 plants and one decommissioned should be 0:22 monitored by the iaea mission item 2 0:25 food safety the United Nations mediated 0:28 a Black Sea grain initiative with the 0:31 representatives of turkey and Ukraine on 0:33 one hand and turkey and Russia on the 0:35 other this initiative should be made 0:37 permanent it should also be extended to 0:40 the ports of Mika live and olvia item 3 0:43 energy safety Ukraine should get air 0:46 defense systems for protection of its 0:48 energy infrast

Unique Isr Pales take

 0:00 you've experienced this alex there's 0:02 this grating 0:03 obnoxious insistence on both the left 0:05 and the right 0:07 that you have to vehemently support 0:09 israel or palestine 0:10 and the one thing that pisses either 0:12 side off the most 0:14 more than supporting israel or palestine 0:16 is not supporting either 0:18 and that's been my position for a long 0:20 time i refuse to take aside because i 0:23 refuse to support 0:24 either israel or palestine i start with 0:27 israel 0:28 i'm going to get on to the islamist 0:29 thing but with the us and israel 0:31 as you know alex it's most people have 0:33 commented on this it's a one-way street 0:36 israel spies on the us within the us 0:39 we had a story in 2019 where israel 0:42 literally put 0:43 fake cell phone towers around the white 0:46 house around the lawn 0:48 to spy on president donald trump you 0:50 know the story was briefly acknowledged 0:52 it disappeared 0:53 very swiftly and israel f