dondioe creedc

Creed Communitarianism 

Creed Communitarianism is:

JudeoChristian Communitarianism (JudeoChristian below means ethnic Jews and ethnic Christians, religious Christians and religious Jews, non Christian Christianity and non Christians who identify as Christian despite not being Christian ethnically or religiously): fused with Inclusive secularism

The JudeoChristian Communitarianism element of Creed Communitarianism is:

JudeoChristian Communitariansm comes about in the 1500's with the result of John Calvin speaking about the wrongs of selling goods for profits only. This impacts Calvinists (including Jewish Calvinists) in many ways, and Capitalism is extinguished in the Netherlands, Scotland, southern France and some small German principalities.

This type of Calvinism (which includes Jewish Calvinism) states that all JudeoChristian workers shall unite to form Guilds, that try to help the poor and sell to them much cheaper, even if it means the loss of profit. The leaders of these guilds shall be elected in much of the same power structures that exist in Calvinist (including Jewish Calvinist) churches(Ushers, Laymen etc.), but with regards to labor.

These communities are generally successful and even though Aristocrats hate this, some start to like it, when they see how almost none of the begars are starving to death because of the JudeoChristian Guild Co-Ops giving out food for free, while charging more to the Rich. In 1604 when Henry comes to power in France and he converts to Catholicism/Jewish Catholicism-Catholic Judaism, he keeps the tradition of JudeoChristian Guilds owning labor, with the guide of Church leaders. This economy spreads over France, with bad reactions from Catholic/Jewish Catholicism-Catholic Judaism clergy, leading to another small civil war in France.

In the end most of the begars affected by the giving out of free food, purchesed by guilds, try to pay them back with labor. A system emerges in La Rochelle, that becomes the model for a less fundamentalist, Guild Economy, relying more on Economics, than Capitalism. This becomes popular in Catholic/Jewish Catholicism-Catholic Judaism countries, and soon Co-Op guilds become the main form of economy in Navarra, and Barcelona.

The Catholic/Jewish Catholicism-Catholic Judaism Clergy and even the Pope condone these Co-Ops, as anti-Christian. The Calvinists (which includes Jewish Calvinism people) become enraged, and almost every member of a "secularized" Co-Op, becomes a Calvinist (which includes Jewish Calvinism Co-Op). The Spanish Government tries to squash guilds in Barcelona and Navarra. Riots break out and the Guilds uses its Iron Forges to produce arms to fight against the Spanish Militia tries to confiscate their "property", and sell it to good Catholics/Jewish Catholicism-Catholic Judaism worshippers, most likely part of the Aristocracy. In Navara, and Barcelona, the Spanish Militias are crushed by the Guilds in a large street battles. Civil War is eminent, with a Calvinist (including Jewish Calvinist) Minority against a Catholic/Jewish Catholicism-Catholic Judaism Majority.

I will update this more and go into detail with it soon. This is just a general idea of how neither Communism or Capitlism exists in modern times.


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