
Support Kim Possible type of Girl Power

Kim Possible type of Girl power is a fun form of liberal feminism and is a perfect counter to MRAs and the patriarchy . Fight like a Girl? Kim Possible!

Men supporting Kim Possible type of Girl power is a leftish chivalrous type of thing to do 

Let woman ask herself, "Why am I the slave of Man? Why is my brain said not to be the equal of his brain? Why is my work not paid equally with his? Why must my body be controlled by my husband? Why may he take my labor in the household, giving me in exchange what he deems fit? Why may he take my children from me? Will them away while yet unborn?" Let every woman ask

Argentinian type of Feminism (which includes Female Peronist party type of Gender theory including based on Eva Peronit feminism and free thinker womens movements) and this is associated with Gender theory


Rights should always have been framed around the POSITIVE (i.e sex positive and also we should reclaim sex negative see here for more on that) than the negative . I support such Positive rights (including me conditionally supporting Sex positivity as can be seen throughout this blog primarily in the gender lgbtq section])

Negative rights promote hierarchy and are about what people cannot do while allowing through that hierarchy power the permission to do things via rights

Positive rights on the other hand, are hierarchieless and are about what people CAN do. They don’t make distinctions between what is prevalent and what is outside the norm. They thus blur the line or even remove the line between what is and isn’t socially normal/acceptable creating a streamlined, natural and smooth element to the concept of rights


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