
 Critique of Palestine

Some people say that the Palestinians are the real colonizers in Israel/Palestine

Reading things like, this and this while not turning me against the Palestinians, does explain partly why I am pro co exist and not pro Palestine

It is wrong that the Palestinians are statist  (I am anti statist) 

Palestinians are wrong to use Liberal 2.0 SJW methods and for Liberal 2.0 propaganda pieces wrongly sainting Palestinians as innocent angels when that is far far from the truth to say the very least which makes me view Palestinians very very negatively at times

According to Christian scripture, God will restore Israel on Earth when Jesus comes,and based on world events ,that seems to be the direction our world is headed. The kingdom may be more spiritual and on a spiritual plane or literal (think X Files type supernatural Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual). To balance the above out:

As late as 1918, leaders of Arab countries, including Emir Feisal (later King of Syria) supported aspirations to create a state for Israel. But extreme Arab militant groups like the Mufti soon replaced the moderates and diplomacy gave way to terror.


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