
Showing posts from July, 2023


 There is , was or will be an extraterrestrial political party/group on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe that are similar to a left wing version of an  alter nate   history  (AXIS)  Fascist   Russia  in the 1930s to mid 1940s. I am a wehraboo about that extraterrestrial political party/group on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe that are similar to a left wing version of an alternate history Fascist Russia 

Chris Kluwe is pregnant with Bret Hart (wrestler)

Combined economic views can be best described either as a mix of USSR like planned economy (ie like the one under Marxism-Leninism/Josef Stalin) and  the type of retroactive hypothetical Capitalism that would have existed in the US in the early to early mid 20th century IF that early to early mid 20th century retroactive hypothetical US Capitalism was a mix of National   Neoliberalism  ,    Friedrich Engels when he was in business  with influence from  this type of economic system  and National Capitalism/the democracy that the United States has managed since FDR (and that was noticeably growing stronger in the early 2000s and is still growing stronger today)


An ideology of making  interracial marriage mandatory for the next 100+ years (except for God's chosen people the Jews who would be exempt) so that all whites are a shade of brown.  or pragmatic and realistically: Preventing the uniparty oppurtunists from getting their hooks into the migrants to  prevent the migrants from being an underclass voting bloc to the Democratic-Republican party . This also includes assimilating the migrants in the process.


Support  Kim Possible type  of Girl   Power Kim Possible type of Girl power is a fun form of liberal feminism and is a perfect counter to MRAs and the patriarchy . Fight like a Girl? Kim Possible! Men supporting Kim Possible type of Girl power is a leftish chivalrous type of thing to do  Let woman ask herself, "Why am I the slave of Man? Why is my brain said not to be the equal of his brain? Why is my work not paid equally with his? Why must my body be controlled by my husband? Why may he take my labor in the household, giving me in exchange what he deems fit? Why may he take my children from me? Will them away while yet unborn?" Let every woman ask Argentinian type of Feminism  (which includes  Female Peronist party  type of Gender theory including based on Eva Peronit feminism and  free thinker  womens movements) and this is associated with Gender theory + Rights should always have been framed around the POSITIVE (i.e sex positive and also we should reclaim sex negative se


An exaggerated version of a  Mladorossim society  (which is a fusion of  mythological version of USSR type Socialism/Communism  with  tweaked Russian Tsarism ).  It would advocate for a Russian Monarchy under a Mythological Soviet-style system.  It would be similar to  Anarcho-Monarchism   There would also be economic liberalization via party democracy similar to what Nikita Kruschev did or tried to do . This would be based off of the already present State Capitalist system (and capitalist class). This would further balance out the extreme left economic system in this society


Inclusive casting call for the Lord of the Rings  "A casting agency working for Amazon based in New Zealand said it was looking for only “unusual” or “funky looking” actors for the new series. “Do you have an overbite, face burns, long skinny limbs, deep cheekbones, lines on your face, acne scars, ears that stick out, bulbous or interesting noses, small eyes, big eyes, any deformities, Skinny faces, missing limbs?” BGT Actors Models & Talent asked in an ad.