Exh lebreerglt3

 You can read stories about gays who went to gay clubs decades ago

It is offbase to believe that everyone in the past was all homophobic and bigoted. It's a tad delusional to be honest. The only people that were bigots decades ago were some older southern people.

The con job is that the establishment manipulates our youth by making them believe that everyone older was discriminatory against marginalized people and that it's up to us to save them. 

I'm late Gen-X. A lot of Gen X were raised by boomer hippies who were rabidly anti-racist and pro equality. They were also the generation who were into things like Disco which mixed LGBTQ culture and black culture together

The argument about if homophobes are secretly gay started during the Gen X generation as a way to shame people who criticized gay people. "If you have a problem with gay people, maybe you're just in denial". It was legitimately only a middle school locker room quip that the media and sociologists latched on to and ran with particularly after the issue began to turn 'political' after a few religious chud types got caught in scandals.

They cite some study done in the mid 1990s but then kind of dismisses the results by claiming that cultural attitudes were way different back then. It was only 25+ years ago. Here is a Kids in the Hall skit that came out around the same time.

Attitudes during the 1980s were significantly more individual based. Gays weren't that collectivized or politicized until the 1990s. Gays were also raised with the Kinsey Scale which basically states that everyone is a little gay. (Homosexuality according to scientism and sexology homosexuality can be felt by normal people and not just an abnormal minority which can open up new avenues to help LGBTQ people get more rights, and become more accepted by society which would help LGBTQ people become happier and healthier)

The understanding was that sexuality was a sliding scale. It wasn't an on off switch. Currently, you're for all intents and purposes forced to be identified as LGBTQ. which appears to be backwards and counterproductive imho

We were also taught that gay people were like ten percent of the population. 1 in 10 chance someone is gay. Out of a 40 person class, odds were that 4 of those people were gay. 

Current stats show this to be lower. about five percent of the US population identifies as gay so it's actually in the realm of 1 in 20. Stats for trans people are also lower hovering around 0.7% of the population.

My view is this issue is like so due to the US corporate establishment exploiting gay people as a collective to influence the other 95% of the population, the same way they do with other demographics. Make it a political thing by pairing it versus the Evangelical Christian scam industry that fleeces their supporters by disposing gays .

Though according to other people described lived experiences of someone born in the 1980s or to other people born earlier they may see things differently. They might remember seeing many people going nuts over Ellen coming out or thinking back to constant homophobic barbs from family, other adults and children on the playground.

They might remember how some people mindlessly thought that is was scary or shameful that someone was  gay.

I'm not trying to whitewash anything , my regular blogs show that I always talk about natural rights, common good constitutionalism, our constitution proving the same sex marriage was always allowed, Fourth Political theory a-temporal etc. So here I go farther by showing tangible evidence how gays have been more accepted for longer than they think

In my other blogs I mention how I don't like pride being used . Below I combine those two points

Ellen DeGeneres 'came out' in 1997 on her sitcom Ellen after Disney acquired ABC in 1995. FOX News began airing in 1996. This is all the things that i've been going on and on about. Corporations own all of our media and they perpetually exploit marginalized demographics like gays by using partisan controlled politics.

Disney used Ellen's sexuality as a marketing gimmick so that they could renew interest in ABC since ABC was always seen as a boring family friendly network. They had to make ABC become fresh again so that they could appeal to new pro gay demographics

Madonna did Vogue in 1990. This was at a time when Hollywood took over underground counterculture and made it mainstream. They did a full 180 on attitudes towards gay people since the increasingly big counterculture was highly pro gay.

Here is a scene from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure from 1989. It's seen as homophobic to some SJWs. Keanu Reeves went on to make My Own Private Idaho in 1991 which was an indie queer art house film. This is also at a time when Hollywood took over the indie film industry


Hollywood pivoted from using gays as cheap jokes for lame comedies to being absolutely pro gay in the early 1990s because they appropriated the culture from the underground. The reason that Vogue got big is due to the fact that it was at the time that they appropriated rave culture from gay clubs which is the place that everyone went to hear electro music.

Disco began in 1970s. Disco was the appropriation of black and gay club culture catered to mainstream straight white fans. 

Disco lasted less than a decade as a mainstream trend (then there was post disco) but it was popular when it started. It went underground again and was played typically in gay clubs in the early 1980s. Gay people and punks were allied with each other. Punk clubs back then were queer friendly in that if someone attempted to mess with a gay person, they would get beat up

Disco evolved into electro music due to European remixes. Kate Bush's 12" club mix is a prime example of this


Raves were club after party events where people wanted to keep dancing after the last call

They originally were just private parties for staff and friends which caused them to be enviable to club goers. It ended up being loved by high schoolers and promoters began putting on legal raves to capitalize off this new trend.

Madonna was popular on the gay club scene so once raves became somewhat mainstream, Vogue took off and showed aspects of the gay club culture to people..


Literally beginning in at the start of the 1990s, gay culture became hijacked by the commercial media industry. From some peoples perspective, it would seem that gay people were consistently under attack from the religious rightoids because that's all some people especially people born in the 1990s ever had seen 

Some people though saw gays go from being fairly well accepted individually and socially to being turned into a commercialized tool for tabloid sensationalists and your sleazy ass ad/marketing industries and propped up against your corporate owned 'right wing' networks and scumbag evangelicals.

I don't hate Christians. I hate the people that hijacked American Christians and turned them into a bunch of haters for profit.

In the 90s is when the media turned gays into political pawns by collectivizing them under the new LGBTQ label, established FOX News, and cranked up the partisan hate machine that's when things got dicey for gays and where homophobia became ramped up

In the 1980s, media outlets like FOX News that allowed the type of hate speech and rhetoric they use now didn't exist.. There were laws that kept the media from allowing that sort of b.s

Chuds didn't have a platform decades ago to allow them proliferate those anti lgbtq narratives to the masses.

The US corporate media industry assisted FOX's turn in becoming right wing so they could use this divisive mumbo jumbo against the US public.

I was a 'gay ally' during the 2000s and as this set of blogs and my other blogs show I go beyond that now. That won't change

In the 1980s, we didn't have ramblings like we have now where gays are used for corporate optics to pander to consumers who somehow, someway think shopping helps gay people be treated equally

Gay people weren't put on parade and manuvered to pander to target liberal consumers the same way they are currently

Check out this Taco Bell commercial.

This commercial is attempting to promote 'diversity' by being inclusive by having gay and minority characters. That's commendable but who eats a taco inside of a library, spills half of it inside a book, then slams it shut? Sorry, it's hardly even relevant though that just bugs the sh*t out of me. Way to ruin stuff for others

That commercial is only an example of corporations exploiting minorities in advertising. They do it in Canada too including by making it look like marginalized groups upper class people and partyers make up the majority of the population via their commercials. Those commercials are bigoted toward marginalized people

Of course there was homophobia back in the day but it wasn't close to as severe as it is currently.. 

Decades ago there was no platforms like FOX or CNN to spread their partisan b.s like they do currently.

Decades ago there was no religious channels so that hardline homophobic variant of southern Baptist type of Christianity wasn't as widespread as it is now

Gay people also never did parade while wearing assless chaps either. A few of the gay people I heard some Gen X lgbtq person mention were extremely conservative dressers. They wore suits to work, button up shirts when not at work. They never dress like extras from the Blue Oyster Bar.

There was gay people that did dress like they do now some of the times decades ago but it wasn't commonly people's standard outfits.

Christians have really no sane argument to dislike gays.. Put gays on parade in front of children wearing bondage gear, and all of a sudden the moral brigade has an argument to trumpet. 

It wasn't gays that decided to go dress up like that. The media blatantly encouraged it to sensationalize the issue and to make it become controversial.

Put plenty of gays out there in dockers and what would their haters say 'oh no, these people are raising our property values'. The anti gay people would have looked like even larger fools and lose their old religious base to syphon money off of..

I am however not denying the prevalence and seriousness of homophobia but I will find more to backup my claims above. I have to go beyond having a toddler’s understanding of homophobia and queer identities to cement my points above about how gays had it as good or better decades ago  https://www.unddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/w251qt/are_homophobes_gay/


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