When I say 'Liberal' here, I mean Latte Liberals (the bad types which are most of them) whom Al Sharpton complains about , radlibs (Radical Liberals) and Neoliberals
Criticism of George Soros is definitely warranted, even from a left wing POV. George Soros is an oligarch and we must fight against and abolish his oligarchy Soros is not a communist. If he were? The riots/marches for example wouldn't have a strong lib (including rad lib) lean. https://twitter.com/kazweida/status/1306330224070553601 Also the 'To criticize George Soros is anti-semetic' smear hardly makes sense. This smear would make sense if the snarls were not too being stated by people who are pro-zionist or heck, jewish in nature. (Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro come to mind). But what is the reason that they are circling the wagons for a wall street scumbag at best like Soros who has also done a lot of damage to left wing causes at worst? The conservative misfits and fringe right does have an obsession with George Soros, scapegoating him for EVERYTHING. When people like the conservative misfits and fringe right are fanatically focused on demonizing extremely rich Jewish bus...
Some people falsely think most Marxists are first world university Trotsyists and Anarcho radlibs. In reality the majority of Communist parties on Earth sustain at least some manner of Marxism-Leninism Anarchists and Libs are perfect for each other. Libs have only destroyed the planet and Anarchists have accomplished next to nothing. But hey they will convince the enemy with some mutual aid /s Anarchism is a radlib ideology There's a reason that essentially all of the worst radlibs are Anarchists. The whole anarchist philosophy is devoted to fighting abstract "hierarchy" instead of materially uplifting the workers, which means that from the outset, Anarchists are operating on an idealist framework instead of from a material framework So what this means is that Anarchism consummately itself to wokeness and the fuzzy radlib conceptions of "oppression" and "struggle". (though Karl Marx, Frederich Engels and Vladimir Lenin use these terms as well! They do ...
This type of Left wing conservatism retroactively supports left wing social and economic policies being implemented and accepted, centuries, millennias many many many decades before they happened in our world. It is basically Novelitism (off compass Progressivism) and Reverse conservatism This type of Left wing conservatism contains my alternative version of Cultural Marxism This type of left wing conservatism is a deja-vu type ideology . Like 'what old is new again'/ try something new Po st Conserva tive It is to right wing conservatism what socialism is to capitalism ( see Fred Hampton quote here for what I mean). Maybe something like Urbanism It can also be described as sociological leftism, radicalist synthesis futu rism , Radical Leftism reddit, Maoist utopianism and or this type of postmodernism Like retroactively supporting same sex marriage being legalized in the US etc in the 1700s , 1800s or at the latest in the 1990s, in Europe in BC t...
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