Exl ltllerenb 2

Same Sex marriage basically erases Queer culture and that is a major issue with same sex marriage for me  

The problem with mainstream LGBTQ activism is that it leaves behind the most vulnerable queer people -- young Queer people who are abandoned by their families. 

Strengthening the traditional parental family by way of making the traditional parental family more inclusive and open to gay couples perpetuates the dominance of the parental family norm that it has in culture and law. 

This makes sure that the parental family continues to be an anti-queer factory that leads to excessive violence on LGBTQ teenagers and makes it so that the LGBTQ population in its entirity is forever structurally disadvantaged in society.

 "Queer rejectionism" means I (as a Queer ally) resist by me supporting Queer people declining to participate in the institutions of Queer oppression as a matter of prefigurative politics. I support a decline of coupling, a decline of family formation. Live your life more queerly.

Queer rejectionism's prefigurative politics is similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement who had an embrace of non-hierarchical consensus decision-making also embraced prefigurative politics which made it a fundamentally anarchist project.

This was similar to the Arab Spring, as David Graeber once pointed out "the opening salvo in a wave of negotiations over the dissolution of the American Empire"

Gay Marriage is a Conservative Cause is a good article and I agree with its points on same sex marriage

TLTR: The Queer community needs to bring the revolution home (including on fighting for what Michael Warner called for in The Trouble with Normal, along with the other things mentioned above and below) and to never let bourgeois simplicity seduce gays into taking the easy path (i.e same sex marriage)

To me, I supports queers (i.e gays) rejecting the positive project of liberal idpol, resisting assimilation into society-at-large, fighting and free loving for their own joy, constantly being determined to burn down the state and capitalist infrastructure that causes us to remain in shackles.

Queerness should not be defined by the labels of idpol, terms such as "non-binary" and "gay" are terms to only construct a bigger cage for LGBTQ people in which they can move with slightly more freedom - yet still a cage nonetheless.

Queerness is a project that should be a negation of society (similar to Afro Pessimism negation) to all of those constructs that tell LGBTQ people who or what they are and limit what they want to be, and the chains - no matter how nice - that tell them what "identity" truly is. It means to inhabit the unstable space of what is non-normative and what threatens the stability society and civilization itself. 

As long as straight people make babies there will luckily be gay people being born. Moreover there is surrogacy and artifical wombs

Some radical queers want a genetic survey to be able to make sure that all kids born in Antarctica (yes, very very long story) will be born gay, and then remove any genetic diseases, give them optimum health, and 300 IQ points in all nine types of intelligence. 

The word fag comes from the nonsensical idea and lame misconception that gay men are all merely sluts and prostitutes here to satisfy the sexual needs of the dominant straight men. This is because gay prostitutes a long long time ago offered sailors a cigarette in the alley behind bars

Some Queer radicals say that if fellow Queers are such wimps that they have to get the straight load to feel any sort of self-worth, then to those Queer radicals those beta Queers are ;worthless little faggots; who they do not want in their queer revolution.(they are correct to favor queer revolutions over getting their straight loads imho)


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