An an anrchi
In that article, Antiff says the following : "Todd May claims that Anarchists need to look back at classical “classical” figures from the nineteenth-century European wing of the movement .May suggested that anarchists had yet to come to terms with power as a positive ground for action. (positive power as in Marxism/Marxism Leninism) The anarchist project, he argued, is based on a fallacious “humanist” notion that “the human essence is a good essence, which relations of power suppress and deny.” This impoverished notion of power as ever oppressive, never productive, was the Achilles heel of anarchist political philosophy (ibid., 62). Hence May’s call for a new and improved “poststructuralist anarchism.” The poststructuralist anarchist would not shy away from power: she would shed the husk of humanism the better to exercise power “tactically” within an ethical practice guided by Habermas’s universalist theory of communicative action (ibid., 146). But in the p...