Exh myosdsodsio

Mythological Socialism/Communism is basically for all intents and purposes Communalism

Mythological Socialism/Communism has literally everyone being paid the same exact wages regardless of what job they do (like US pro athletes and CEOs having the same exact income as janitors and deputy dog catchers. No need to tax the rich when the rich wouldn’t exist under this system). In this system income is redistributed so that everyone always had the same amount of money as every other person

In Mythological Socialism/Communism people themselves are collectivized . Donated hair would be exported. There would be a more identifying National Id created for citizens. There would be less excessive high technology (between moderate Neo Luddism and Anti Consumerism) since high technology is capitalistic. Dozens of people would even sleep under the same huge blankets in communes. 

In Mythological Socialism/Communism there are elements of meme J-Stalinism

Unlike Marxism Leninism, Mythological Socialism/Communism would make real change for the better, and would be free of tyranny . Since some ideas of pure communism are a bit antiquated, this society would adjust for our contemporaries. How? Maybe through Acid communism as one way to do so. Acid Communism is base for imagining new futures and is thus compatible with my brand of post Anarchism

This society would also use a classical anarchism approach (including M Stirnerism/Egoism) as mentioned here

This society would use the Russian revolution as an alternative ground for theorizing and implementing the social conditions of freedom based on a critical understanding of power and liberation as perpetually co-mingling with and inscribed by a process of self-interrogation and self-overcoming that is pluralistic, individualist, materialist, and social. 

This society would be contemporary radical but marshal classical anarchism to interrogate poststructuralism implementations, rather than the other way around.


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