
Showing posts from May, 2023

Wally xisuc world

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I am strongly critical of the contemporary political economy of the US, which is a cushy socialism for the rich and this type of brutal, merciless capitalism for the poor which wrongly bails out banks and keeps the US in a state of permanent war while slashing programs like food stamps and Medicaid.

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 I will turn these fantasy world political party(s) into reality the same way that Disney parks and resorts turn fantasy into reality at their theme parks , as they do especially in places like  Fantasyland ,  Star Wars Galaxy's Edge ,  Toy Story Land ,  Avatarland .   The same way that Universal parks and resorts turn fantasy into reality at their parks as they do especially in places like Seuss's Landing, Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Toon Lagoon etc Basically I will make these fantasy political parties and ideologies of inspire real life political parties, groups, ideologies etc the same way that  Political fiction  does (also  see here ,  here ,  here  for more).  Or at worst I will support politicians, political parties, ideologies that come the closest to said political parties and ideologies 

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Poststructural ᛘ㉄ ᴙ𑑛ismism is a real life fusion of Postructuralism and ᛘ㉄ ᴙ𑑛ismism that fuses Poststructuralism and ᛘ㉄ ᴙ𑑛ismism the same way that Julie Graham fuses Post Structuralism and Marxism together, the same way that Michael Peters fuses Post Structuralism and Marxism together, the same way that Louis Althusser fuses together Post structuralism and Marxism together, the same way that Poststructuralism and Marxism are fused together by Laclau and Mouffe, the same way that Poststructuralism and Marxism are fused together  here ,  here ,  here ,  here ,

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A hypothetical fictional strand of Marxism that is as different from Karl Marx's Marxism as William Godwin's Anarchism  is different from PJ Proudhon's Anarchism  (like Mutualism) and Max Stirner's Anarchism  (like Egoism) and as different as  PJ Proudhon's Anarchism  is different from  Max Stirner's Anarchism  etc (see here for more  on what I mean)   . This hypothetical fictional strand of Marxism is part of Marxism just as William Godwin's Anarchim, PJ Proudhon's Anarchism (like Mutualism) and Max Stirner's Anarchism (Egoism) are part of Anarchism We can call this hypothetical fictional strand of Marxism : ᛘ㉄ ᴙ𑑛ismism

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Takis Fotopoulos - Towards a democratic liberatory ethics › vol8 › takis_et...Marxist and libertarian writers, under the influence of the postmodern critique, began developing various hybrids of 'poststructural Marxism' and 'post ...


 Critique of Palestine Some people say that the Palestinians are the real colonizers in Israel/Palestine Reading things like,  this  and  this  while not turning me against the Palestinians, does explain partly why I am pro co exist and not pro Palestine It is wrong that the Palestinians are statist  (I am anti statist)  Palestinians are wrong to use Liberal 2.0 SJW methods and for Liberal 2.0 propaganda pieces wrongly sainting Palestinians as innocent angels when that is far far from the truth to say the very least which makes me view Palestinians very very negatively at times According to Christian scripture, God will restore Israel on Earth when Jesus comes,and based on world events ,that seems to be the direction our world is headed. The kingdom may be more spiritual and on a spiritual plane or literal (think X Files type supernatural  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual ). To balance the above out: As late as 1918, leaders of Arab countries, including Emir

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Real life version of Cultural Marxism BUT the Marxism in this Cultural Marxism is a mix of: Peruvian/Pedro Castillo Marxism: Anti-Imperialism Christian Socialism Conservative Socialism Federalism,  Humanism Pedro Castillo like on LGBTQ issues Marxism-Leninism Pan-Hispanism/ Pan American Social Conservatism WITH  Real life version of Cultural Marxism BUT replace the critical theory in Cultural Marxism with Eagleton's After Theory with impactful elements of  Minima Moralia  and  Post structuralism  along with the Post structuralism of the non critical theory being replaced with  Post Post Structuralism  mixed with a fusion of Classical Liberal proceduralism and Liberal 1.0  proceduralism OR Real life version of Cultural Marxism BUT the Marxism in this Cultural Marxism is  Nick Land Marxism (see here , here ) WITH Real life version of Cultural Marxism but replace the postmodernism in Cultural Marxism with a fusion of  Hypermodernity  with a  Left Nazbol  vortex (i.e left wing version

Pol balooony

A Survival primer for the Aristocrats of the incarnation An ideology which examines the precursor of the human subject who could give total value to his or her life in a place of dissolution • Show a powerful reproval of the idols, arrangements, suppositions and delusions of our current era • Discloses the method to transform ruinous actions/manners into inner liberation The operations and establishments that, in a customary civilization and community, would have permitted an individual to grasp himself/herself fully, to guard the ideal standards he/she recognizes as his/her personal ones, and to structure his/her time on this planet in a clear and univocal process, no longer wallow in the modern day world. All things that has come to preponderate in our time is the straight opposite of the world of customs, in how a society is lead by precepts which transcend the simply human and the transitory. It invokes an unsparing criticism of the idols,arrangements, suppositions and delusions of

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This type of Left wing conservatism retroactively supports left wing social and economic policies being implemented and accepted, centuries, millennias many many many decades before they happened in our world. It is basically Novelitism  (off compass Progressivism) and  Reverse conservatism This type of Left wing conservatism contains  my alternative version of Cultural Marxism This type of left wing conservatism is a deja-vu type ideology . Like 'what old is new again'/ try something new Po st   Conserva tive It is to right wing conservatism what socialism is to capitalism ( see Fred Hampton quote here for what I mean). Maybe something like Urbanism It can also be described as sociological leftism, radicalist synthesis   futu rism  , Radical Leftism reddit, Maoist utopianism and or this type of postmodernism Like retroactively supporting same sex marriage being legalized in the US etc in the 1700s , 1800s or at the latest in the 1990s, in Europe in BC times, Middle Ages, In

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L ef t Win g Con servatism  This type of Left wing Conservatism  and  this type of Left Wing conservatism  

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FH Buckley Progressive Conservatism  ' Right wing Marxism ',Theoretical  Compassionate   Postlib eral Integ ral ism  and futurist fusionism

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A positive and decentralized form of Civic Nationalism that rejects the messianism and ethnicism of the far right and Right Wing nationalism . This form of Civic Nationalism would be non expansionist. It is has a restorative approach, internal exclusion and managed moves Like the republican Civic Nationalism of the left, this form of Civic Nationalism would seek to forge a nation wide community out of the diverse and regional populations of the state, similar to the Interculturalism of Quebec fused with Banal Patriotism, NATO and NATO allies pan cultural Nationalism and it might end up also being Anti revisionist Marxist This form of Civic Nationalism would differ from that of the republicans by establishing the criteria for the national community on traditionalist grounds like socioeconomic beliefs Religion (including religious coalitions, Deism, and Religious like irreligion irreligious like Christian Atheism and Humanism/Agnosticism that is organized like JudeoChristianity) , socioe

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Although I profess my commitment to traditionally Left-wing goals including anti-capitalism, I am mostly defined by my zealous hostility to both the Democratic Party and the radical Leftoids — including the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) and the academic-literary Left wing of media such as Jacobin, n+1 and Dissent. My core dissertation is that the actual ruling class in the US is the progressive oligarchy that is represented in the political sphere by the Democratic Party. I believe that the Democrats are the party of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the Ivy League, the MSM, the upper levels of the national security state and federal bureaucracy, and generally of very educated professionals