LW 'consvor

This type of Left wing conservatism retroactively supports left wing social and economic policies being implemented and accepted, centuries, millennias many many many decades before they happened in our world. It is basically Novelitism (off compass Progressivism) and Reverse conservatism

This type of Left wing conservatism contains my alternative version of Cultural Marxism

This type of left wing conservatism is a deja-vu type ideology . Like 'what old is new again'/try something new

Post Conservative

It is to right wing conservatism what socialism is to capitalism (see Fred Hampton quote here for what I mean). Maybe something like Urbanism

It can also be described as sociological leftism, radicalist synthesis futurism , Radical Leftism reddit, Maoist utopianism and or this type of postmodernism

Like retroactively supporting same sex marriage being legalized in the US etc in the 1700s , 1800s or at the latest in the 1990s, in Europe in BC times, Middle Ages, Industrial era or at latest sometime in the 20th century


To blindly want gays to retroactively have the same rights and freedom from ‘discrimination’ in BC times through the late 20th century that gays in the US, Europe and Canada have now and in the future. 

Where same sex marriage was one of the US’s original, founding era understanding of what marriage is and where the US constitution on same sex marriage from the 18th century onward was always like it has been since 2015 .

Though the right for same sex couples to marry could always be found in the Constitution since the late 18th century if someone wanted to decipher it, it wasn’t deciphered to permit same sex marriage until 2015) . Moreover, this quote from Barry Goldwater “ I am pretty secure in feeling that discriminating against gays is constitutionally wrong.” , further solidifies that line of reasoning

If being gay was and is always as normal and accepted as being straight was and is always normal and accepted, there wouldn't be any homophobes or anti gay resentment in the 20th century or 21st century since in that world, being gay (like straight) would be seen as traditional and normal and thus there would be one less excuse for anti gay people to be anti gay. There is no going back on gay rights so we must make the future like that and more

Like retroactively supporting women having full equal rights to men  in the US in the 1700s , 1800s or at the latest in the 1990s, in Europe in BC times, Middle Ages, Industrial era or at latest sometime in the 20th century

Like retroactively supporting trans rights (and trans visibility)  in the US in the 1700s , 1800s, early 20th century, mid 20th century or at the latest in the 1990s, in Europe in BC times, Middle Ages, Industrial era or at latest sometime in the 20th century

This would involve using fictional revisionism/PC history, getting historians and others to digg up proof that new progressive and leftist policies implemented in the present, future or that have been implemented in the last few decades were done in the past decades, centuries or millenia ago somewhere and sometime in history etc. 

This also involves funding heavy research into time travel to go back in time and literally retroactively implement left wing and progressive policies millenias, centuries or at worst many many many decades before they were in implemented in our reality

This means for example maybe literally going back in time to retroactively make the US in the 1870s, or 1930s or 1960s as equal, evolved, and tolerant/accepting on minority rights/LGBTQ rights/women's rights as it is now in the 2020s . 

This means for example maybe literally going back in time to retroactively make the US as green friendly in the 1900s decade or in the 1940s or in the 1990s s Denmark is in the 2020s or 2030s . Or  maybe literally going back in time to like the 13th century Europe to make it like the 2070s US in terms of science, medical technology, health and transhumanism.  Or maybe literally going back time to retroactively make the 1890s US, or 1960s US or the 1970s/1980s Chile etc be as trans friendly and free for trans people as Canada and California is for trans people in the 2040s 

Also see here

This type of left wing conservatism also involves supporting all left wing and progressive policies over the last decades and in the future as being something that would fit in perfectly during traditional eras of the past 

For example it could mean like supporting this for above reasons .It could mean supporting electric cars because electric cars seem like something that should have been common in the 20th century

It could mean supporting transhumanism as a left wing version of eugenics. It could mean supporting equity because you'd think equity would have been the thing pushed in the bible, by Quakers, from the Enlightenment , through the 19th century (i.e Abraham Lincoln 'all men created equitable' instead of equal)  and onward through the early 21st century, instead of equality (with something on the left/lean left replacing equity in the 2020s like equity replaced equality on the left/lean left). 

It could mean supporting bdsm shows for kids/kids being in family friendly bdsm shows since that would be as rough and tough for kids as life was rough and tough for kids in the 19th century, early 20th century, mid to mid late 20th century (but in different way)

It could mean supporting a war on xmas since leftists and wokesters going against xmas feels like conservatives going against LGBT rights, women's rights, minority rights etc

It could mean supporting non binary rights since having more genders beside men and women would have been something we'd should have seen from the creation of life since 2 genders for thousands/millions of years until recently seems too low for a crazy world like ours. It could mean maybe supporting trans rights and visibility (and sex and gender being one) to give a whole new, unique spin on our past cis male/cis female historical cultural social and civil past. 

It involves conserving the progressiveness and leftism of the future 

Left wing conservatism may mean literally reversing time to create a political renewal, reclamation, resurrection, kick start as we literally reverse time 

This left wing conservatism isn't conservatism as much as it is the left wing equivalent of conservatism (but in a more real and literal way as seen above):

Clarence Thomas in 2008 on Harry Reid's Insults

Patterico's Pontifications

https://patterico.com › Judiciary

Jan 11, 2010 — Thus, stories like this are the liberal equivalent of conservatives who fail to live up to family values. It's a valid and effective point, ...

United Humanists


https://m.facebook.com › posts

Isn't this just the liberal equivalent of conservatives doing stupid things to "own the libs"? 2 jam Lapor. John Smith, profile picture.

Maybe a renaissance as mentioned here, and below:

Renaissance mean the opposite of conservatism lol.

The renaissance was the return to classic antiquity to build upon it. Returning to what was good about the past is classic conservatism.

That's not modern conservatives.

Returning to what they think is good. Unfortunately for everyone else that often involves suppressing votes, pushing marginalized groups back into the shadows and trying to make things great for old white guys again. Current resentment with current events often revolves around and can be traced back to life passing people with dinosaur mindsets by.


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