
Showing posts from January, 2023

Exh GS wip

Criticism of George Soros is definitely warranted, even from a left wing POV. George Soros is an oligarch and we must fight against and abolish his oligarchy   Soros is not a communist. If he were? The riots/marches for example wouldn't have a strong lib (including rad lib) lean. Also the 'To criticize George Soros is anti-semetic' smear hardly makes sense. This smear would make sense if the snarls were not too being stated by people who are pro-zionist or heck, jewish in nature. (Mark Levin, Ben Shapiro come to mind). But what is the reason that they are circling the wagons for a wall street scumbag at best like Soros who has also done a lot of damage to left wing causes at worst? The conservative misfits and fringe right does have an obsession with George Soros, scapegoating him for EVERYTHING. When people like the conservative misfits and fringe right are fanatically focused on demonizing extremely rich Jewish busin

Exh groupd sdndn

  Well, the majority of White People are Haplogroup R1b (which also is found in Asia and Central Africa(?)) which comes out of what many consider to be Asia, so do the math.  Some Woke academics have published claims on the Yamnaya (Indo Europeans) which claim modern European populations are not descended from its original inhabitants. 

Exh mockkroeri

  When I say 'Liberal' here, I mean Latte Liberals (the bad types which are most of them) whom Al Sharpton complains about , radlibs (Radical Liberals) and Neoliberals

LGQ WPcpof0934904

 I agree with Jasbir Puar when she said that traditional heteronormative ideologies now find accompaniment from "homonormative" ideologies replicating the same hierarchical ideals concerning maintenance of dominance in terms related to race, class, gender, and nation-state, a set of ideologies that she calls "homonationalism" Jasbir Puar is correct that homonationalism is a "form of sexual exceptionalism (i.e gay exceptionalism) that is dependent on the segregation and disqualification of racial and sexual  others  from the dominant image of a particular society, most often discussed within an American framework"

Queer exlsdlrioereio

 In Alain Badiou’s Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil book (see  here ) , he argues that human rights only serves to justify and reinforce the ideology of the status quo and this is similar to the Queer theory. The Queer theory similarly states that same sex marriages normalizes the cultured gender norms and economic inequalities of marriage into the LGBT community. . The Queer theory goes on to state that the normalization of marriage delegitimizes non-monogamous relationships which are considered common in the LGBT community.

Exh lebreerglt3

 You can read stories about gays who went to gay clubs decades ago It is offbase to believe that everyone in the past was all homophobic and bigoted. It's a tad delusional to be honest. The only people that were bigots decades ago were some older southern people. The con job is that the establishment manipulates our youth by making them believe that everyone older was discriminatory against marginalized people and that it's up to us to save them.  I'm late Gen-X. A lot of Gen X were raised by boomer hippies who were rabidly anti-racist and pro equality. They were also the generation who were into things like Disco which mixed LGBTQ culture and black culture together The argument about if homophobes are secretly gay started during the Gen X generation as a way to shame people who criticized gay people. "If you have a problem with gay people, maybe you're just in denial". It was legitimately only a middle school locker room quip that the media and sociologists l

Exl ltllerenb 2

Same Sex marriage basically erases Queer culture and that is a major issue with same sex marriage for me   The problem with mainstream LGBTQ activism is that it leaves behind the most vulnerable queer people -- young Queer people who are abandoned by their families.  Strengthening the traditional parental family by way of making the traditional parental family more inclusive and open to gay couples perpetuates the dominance of the parental family norm that it has in culture and law.  This makes sure that the parental family continues to be an anti-queer factory that leads to excessive violence on LGBTQ teenagers and makes it so that the LGBTQ population in its entirity is forever structurally disadvantaged in society.  "Queer rejectionism" means I (as a Queer ally) resist by me supporting Queer people declining to participate in the institutions of Queer oppression as a matter of prefigurative politics. I support a decline of coupling, a decline of family formation. Live your

Exh lq111

 I echo Michael Warner's The Truth with Normal" ( from Wikipedia ) The Trouble with Normal argues that same-sex marriage should not be the sole goal for gay rights activism; that  gay activists should work toward equal benefits for domestic partners and unconventional families.   When national LGBTQ activists insist on the overriding importance of marriage, the book argues, it stigmatizes queer people who choose other types of relationships, while ignoring a broad range of legal benefits that could help the entire community, not just legally married couples.  Criticizing those who present gay marriage and the repeal of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy as the sole remaining aims of the (American) gay rights movement,  Warner contends that the institutional sanctioning of certain types of relationship always comes at the expense of others, which are constituted by contrast as abnormal, inferior, and shameful .[] "